Sunday, February 25, 2024

Why I am here!

Since I was a little kid, I’ve always had this passion, but what exactly that passion was and why I had such a hard time expressing myself for what I love to do, has always presented itself as such a challenge. Why is it so difficult to see myself in my natural element doing what I love to do, and just submit the video without hesitation? Over time, I quickly understood and felt more comfortable being myself. To stand in front of that camera, in total command, equal parts awed and terrified reporting on things that I love, things that have moved me is how I developed my passion and love for journalism. 

When I was a little boy, I always wanted to be a news reporter. I would recruit my entire family and give them various tasks such as weatherman, sports, and traffic, and I, of course, was in the middle of it all, putting it all together. It was a passion that only grew as I aged, and still remains my career choice. Growing up in the number-one market in the world, I’ve always been accustomed to outstanding professional writing and reporting that I was able to reap the benefits of as a viewer. My outgoing personality, paired with my nosiness, has proven me successful in what little I have accomplished so far, but there is still so much to learn and grow from to become the best version of myself that I could be.

Something that I have always struggled with has been my writing. Whenever my mother used to read over my writing when I was younger, she would often joke with me that I wrote as if commas had never been invented. When I was contemplating what I wanted to do and study when I was in college and told people that I wanted to be a journalist, their first reaction was disbelief, because of my inadequacies as a writer.  From the end of middle school and throughout high school, improving my writing was a focus that I gave my all to, and worked day in and day out to become better at. I spent countless hours reading and writing to try to better myself at it. As time went on I started to write more age appropriately, using stronger terminology and even inserting my enemy, the comma, and other punctuation appropriately. Something else that I began to notice is that although I didn’t like writing very much, I began to enjoy it when it gave me the opportunity to write about things that mattered to me. 

As an aspiring Broadcast Journalist, I am aware of the challenges and obstacales that I will face throughout my journey to where I want to ultimately go. This is one of the most competitive professional fields that there is and it is far from a cakewalk, but through the next 4 years, I hope to continue to grow and learn and challenge myself in all aspects of my craft. Through this course of Journalism, I hope to not only improve  my writing, but also incorporate what I learn and use it to conduct better research and enhance my storytelling and writing. The history of Journalism is one of the most complex and interesting times that has ever existed, and it is fascinating to learn about its history and origins. There are not many professional fields where times and events are changing so often and give you the opportunity to have a front-row seat to not only watching history unfold, but also being a part of something spectacular, memorable and possibly life-changing.

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