Wednesday, May 1, 2024

EOTO Reaction 2

 My classmates taught me so many valuable lessons from this presentation. I especially loved learning about the Early History of Radio and television in sports because it is something that surrounds us every day but people never know the back stories behind it. 

Sports are something that most people will either watch or at least scroll through when they are watching television or listening to the radio but most people do not know that the first radio broadcast that involved sports was in 1921. That sporting event was a boxing match between Johnny Ray and Johnny Dundee. 

As an avaid sports fan, I watch/listen to sports everywhere, whether its in the car and I'm listening on AM radio or in the house watching on the TV this is a topic that intrested me drastically. I was intrigued to learn that the first radio station to broadcast a sports event was KDKA. 

KDKA radio station

Radio and television were only up from there. Later that year the first college football game was broadcast, this game was between the University of Pitsburg and West Virginia University. Something that I found interesting was that the attendance didnt drop at these events instead it grew, and grew drastically because more people were being reached without having to travel. 

Then came television and in 1939 the first-ever baseball game was broadcast. "The effects of TV were tremendous for teams to generate money," said Akenna Rootes in her presentation, and still to this day the sports industry is growing as different camera angles and ways to reach the population are discovered. 

The other thing that was intriguing was the gossip presentation. I had no idea that in Newspapers there was a section dedicated to gossip, something that now I will be sure to look for. 

The first known gossiper was James Boswell who was a colonist and a "hypochondriac", he would gossip about things going around in the town but not about the people in the town. He would twist the things in the town to make things worse and always put a bad taste in people's mouths.

Today we still see a lot of gossips, especially just for the "clicks" or "views". It is mostly found in popular magazines and in digital media. This should be considered fake news because this gossip has a connection between fake news.

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