Sunday, May 5, 2024

"Good Night and Good Luck"

 Good Night and Good luck presented to up and coming journalists a true example of what should be exposed in the field of journalism, and field work that would be considered corrupt. The premise of Good Night and Good Luck was to expose Senator Joe McCarthy on the false accusations that he sent out on their association with Communism. 

In a word, the best way to describe Joe Mccarthy is a "bully". People were afraid to speak up to him because of the threats that he often made to his opponents. However, one person that wasn't afraid to speak up to him was Edward R Murrow, who was a widely respected and trusted Broadcast Journalist.

During a major speech, Murrow was adamant on his obligation to call out McCarthy on what is known as McCarthyism, a campaign spreading fear of supposed communist influence on Americans. This movie displayed the true job of journalists, which was to expose the truth about corrupt people in our society. 

It is the responsibility of journalists to educate the public on matters related to our nation's government. Without journalists, like Edward Murrow, the public would not have the truth about McCarthy's true intentions and misdeeds.

What Murrow did at CBS is unlike anything we have ever seen before. He single-handedly exposed the truth to protect others from the harsh and inappropriate actions that McCarthy immersed himself in. By Murrow putting himself out on a limb and taking a risk to help others, shows the true dedication of journalists like himself. 

In the movie, we see a trial between a woman and the senator, and even with little to no evidence, McCarthy tries to unfairly accuse her. With the help of Murrow, she is able to get a fair and equal trial as she deserves.

The censorship that is utilized to prevent certain individuals from speaking should not be tolerated or condoned. This movie gave me a new perspective on how important it is to understand the importance of the accuracy of reporting in today's society. 

The CBS team, along with Edward. R. Murrow, accomplished just that, and in turn, allowed for the censorship to be removed and the truthful information to flow freely.

The title "Good Night and Good Luck" originates from how Murrow would sign off from his reports, most significantly during this battle of the press and the ongoing McCarthyism plaguing the United States. 

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