Sunday, May 5, 2024

"Shock and Awe"

Shock and Awe (2017) - IMDb

 Shock and Awe was another movie which allowed us to see the insightful information of the Iraq War and how that in turn, affected the journalists' careers. 

The movie explains how there could be varying point of views from journalists, as the U.S. government is preparing to raid Iraq. 

Many were reluctant to dig deep into the behind the scenes of this case, except for some specific journalists. While researching, I found it interesting to find the meaning behind “Shock and Awe” which technically is a military strategy that displays force and overwhelming power and that would base off why the movie is named that way. 

In the movie, the journalists investigate the Bush Administration in regards to numerous claims that Iraq possessed numerous weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and he was aware of it. These claims proved to be false and unfounded.

Overall, this movie displays the harsh reality behind George W. Bush and the false information that he whole-heartedly supported as reasons for entering into combat and going to war with Iraq. 

Another example of how journalists provide insightful information in regards to how and what is being reported and how that information is being reported. 

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